Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Barry, it's cold outside

Great, it's 9 a.m. on Day 3 of the CIAA Tournament and there are snow flurries over here in northwest Charlotte.

Did this cold spell have to hit in the middle of the tournament? Wednesday is suppose to be cold and windy. Thursday even colder. Throw in some scattered showers later in the week and some of us are gonna have to change outfits at least two or three more times a day.

I mean, it's hard enough planning what to wear to the CIAA parties when the weather's mild. But if you're a true fan, I guess the cold is just another reason to accessorize. Grab a scarf and matching hat, and you're set.

With that in mind, I wonder what my friend Barry Anderson is going to do now. We were just talking the other day about his wardrobe plans for the week. This year Barry's not spending too much on clothes. You know, gas prices and the economy and all, he says.

One day it'll be jeans, a nice blazer and some cowboy boots. The next day, maybe this pin-striped suit he got for a bargain at Value City. What kind of shoes with the suit, Stacy Adams?

"Nah, I'm not old enough for Stacys yet. That's old school," says Barry, who's 37 and looking at me like he thinks I own a pair. "I'm wearing some Cole Hahns."

Oh well, I just looked outside again and noticed the snow has stopped and the sun is out. Things are looking up. I guess I can throw the snow boots back in the closet and put on my Stacys.


Anonymous said...

Bad weather doesn't stop the CIAA crowd. Just ask people who visited Raleigh a few years ago during the big snow storm they had there during the tournament. The event didn't lose a beat; people still rolled into town, and the parties and basketball games went on as scheduled. Ironically though, I recall the buzz around Raleigh then was that the storm would give the Charlotte folks good ammunition for bidding for the tournament. The argument was that in Charlotte, with the arena and many hotels dowtown, visitors wouldn't have to trek out in the snow by car as much.

Anonymous said...

I guess it worked since the CIAA is in Charlotte. Raleigh sucks.