Saturday, March 04, 2006

Old Dogs Need Culture Too

A friend of mine who's in town for the CIAA tournament wanted to know where the best parties were. Hmm, I don't really party enough to know but I didn't want to come across as un-cool. So I told him that Magic's "Grown and Sexy" party at the Hyatt will be the hot spot. He said that's cool, but what about the theater, like plays and stuff.
Plays? When did you discover the arts?
Well, he said, I've matured over the years.
Now, I'm baffled. Had the quintessential "dog" been tamed?
FRIEND: Nah, dog, I've gone a couple of times and apparently women love a well-dressed man with some culture.
ME: Sure, but don't they love a well-dressed man who knows how to get his party on?
FRIEND: Yeah, dog, but at the club they have their pick. At the theater, it's mostly just me.
ME: So you're still an old dog. You've just learned some new tricks.
FRIEND: Yeah, dog, exactly.

So my question is, were there enough things (other than parties) for CIAA visitors to do? What should we add next year? Post comments below.


Anonymous said...

I'd say there was plenty of things for people to do. Not just parties. There was the fan festival and serval concerts. And if your friend enjoys the arts I certainly hope you directed him to some of the arts events that happened this past week including the production of Crowns at the Actors Theater (in Uptown) and the CIAA related events that were put on in the NODA arts district. One of your collegues in the entertainment area actually reported on some of those events.